26 April 2018
Most families use day care in one form or another. You may be considering the use of day care to watch your child after school, during specific hours of the day, or to act as a socialization option for homeschooled children. You may find that church day care offers more flexibility for your needs than traditional day care options. If this is the case, you will need to consider a few key points of using church day care over traditional day care options.
5 March 2018
If your child has the all-important occasion of their first day in a day care centre coming up soon, you're probably a bit worried and nervous. The first order of business is to stop worrying and stay calm -- your child's behaviour is modelled on yours, after all! The next thing to do is to put some of the following tips into practise. Here are your top tips for inciting day care centre delight instead of day care centre despair.
26 February 2018
Commercial day-care centres, such as those run through a church or community centre, are not the only option available to parents today when it comes to childcare; there are many options for having someone care for your children, some of which can be provided right in your own home! Note a few types of childcare that are often available to parents, so you can determine the best choice for you and for your child.
23 February 2018
Babysitting can be a strange experience for most people especially when doing it for the fist time. It is not for the faint-hearted because, let us face it, children can be a handful at times. If you are new to babysitting, you should be ready for anything. The most important thing, however, is that once you get the hang of it, babysitting can be extremely fulfiling. Most importantly, it teaches one to be responsible.
21 February 2018
Starting preschool is an undeniably important milestone in your child's life. While preschool puts a lot of emphasis on fun and games, the skills your child learns at preschool will help throughout their lives, from following instructions to socialising with others. This means that there can be a lot of pressure on parents to pick the perfect preschool, with the options and considerations seemingly endless. However, there are a few simple things to think about when looking at a preschool that will help you make the decision that is best for your child.
21 February 2018
Whether you are planning to go back to work after having a baby, or simply looking for a child care facility that will allow your child to mix with other children of a similar age, finding the right child care or kindergarten option can be a stressful affair. There are many child care options on offer, and you'll need to decide what matters most to you and your child before you choose one.
21 February 2018
A nanny provides an excellent alternative to day-care centres and other after-school services. In addition to being more affordable, they are also more flexible and reliable options for providing care to your child. If you find the right nanny, the child can end up enjoying a more emotionally stable environment in which they will continue to develop. They will also enjoy care from the comfort of the home. A nanny agency is a great place to find a nanny.
9 February 2018
Children are not born with social skills; these are developed over time, usually by observation and deduction from the child's environment. As a result, you can expect that your pre-schooler will make quite a few mistakes before they learn what's acceptable and what isn't. Consistency is the biggest tool at parents' disposal when instilling good behaviour, which means that you must take care to ensure lessons learnt at home are reinforced when the child is in daycare and vice versa.
8 February 2018
Most parents can attest that parenting is an exhilarating experience that creates fond memories. Unfortunately, minding those precious little ones can be daunting thus leaving parents overwhelmed and unable to focus on anything else. Childcare centres take away these pressures so that you can take a breather and focus on other important things like work or merely to re-energise. If this scenario resonates with you, here are four ways you stand to gain by enrolling your child at a childcare centre: