Giving My Child The Skills To Grow

Guaranteeing Your Pre-Schooler' Wellbeing: Focus on Health and Safety

by Albert Davidson

When choosing a preschool for your kids, you need to consider the quality of both the academic and non-academic programs the institution offers, among other factors. Most importantly, you need to be sure that the institution provides a healthy and safe environment where the kids can enjoy these programs.

On matters of health and safety, here is your checklist for when you are looking at your preschool options.

Go Through the Policy Statement

What is the health and safety policy at the preschool in which you plan on enrolling your child? You should read the fine print of their policy statement to know what to expect. For most institutions, this policy is comprehensive, covering different areas from hygiene, electrical safety, the control of substances that may be a hazard to health, play supervision, routine drills, and much more. If you need further clarification after going through the policy statement, engage the relevant party from the preschool to answer your questions.

Provide Helpful Information

Does your child have strict dietary restrictions? What about non-food allergies? What about any conditions that require special care or attention? Ensure that you provide the preschool with as much information about how to best take care of your child. If, for example, your child is asthmatic, knowing this beforehand will ensure that they get the necessary help fast when they experience an attack.

You also want to make sure the preschool has your contact information and that of any other person that may be called in if there is an emergency. It's always a good idea to find a preschool that is close to your home or workplace for such times.

Do What You Can

As a parent, there is so much that you can do to ensure your child is healthy and stays safe while at the preschool. Your child's well-being should be a team effort, and you have an active part to play. For starters, teach your child about personal hygiene and emphasize why it is important. The weather can be unkind on the little ones, so it falls on you to ensure that your kid wears weather-appropriate clothing. Avoid any jewellery that may easily get caught on something, or which the other kids may pull.

You have a role to play as a parent, as does the preschool. Ensure that all bases are covered for your child's well-being and your own peace of mind.
